- 1.71" OAL
- Width: .624"
- Single .188" mounting hole
- Designed to be used anywhere you need a low profile clip with a small footprint.
- Standard DMG/Cu finish: Color - DCC dark matte grey. Non reflective and resists corrosion very well (pictures show old black oxide finish).
- Hardware not included.
- .188” diameter mounting hole works with both GS6 eyelets and screws.
Mod 3 - HLR Discreet Gear Clip™ - Mini
軽いひっかき傷や摩耗痕がついた場合はWD40で塗油して糸くずの出ない布等でしっかりと圧力をかけて拭き上げてください 植物油や鉱物油、モーターオイル等でも構いません これにより見た目が良くなります